
Hello. I am attempting to compile all of my children's quotes of the day, each day for a year. So many words of wisdom are offered up to me each day for my amusement only. I thought that they are worth documenting and keeping for historical value.

The sources of these little quotes and sayings are my 3 young children. Alexander Leo is 5, Jana Rose is 4 (going on 14) and Andres Ellis is just 2.

For those of you who want to see things from their little world, here's an opportunity to read about it and their "Thought for the Day".

Monday, May 24, 2010

"Mummy when I grow up I'm going to be Rhapsody and then I'm going to learn how to drive"

of course, that's Rhapsody from The Fairies.

Not sure how the learning to drive is connected to it all though.

"I'm going to do whatever I want to do"

Spoken by a true 4 year old girl who knows what she wants in life.

Always correcting me about factual things like what the time is and the day. How can you argue with someone so knowledgeable at that age???!!!!!!

So I just give in :) I hope her teachers do better than me when she starts prep next year.

Hilarious giggling from my 2 year old in the back seat

"Mummy...Jana burping" in between continual giggling.....Andres was laughing himself silly at my 4 year old's snoring asleep in the seat next to him.

It was possibly the first time he had heard snoring in his wee life.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

"stoma, miti, eftia"

My 2 year old Andres' blurt of words at the dinner table!! John and I nearly choked on our dinner.

Translated it is mouth, nose and ears in Greek. Time to escalate his Greek language education by the look of it!!! All in perfect pronunciation too.

Friday, May 14, 2010

"But my eyes want to keep looking"

Exclaimed Alexander when I was cleaning my surgical cut and he told me to stop touching it, its scary. I told him to look away or go to another room and dont look, to which he replied....

Sunday, May 9, 2010

"Mummy thanks for giving me a cuddle until I went to sleep the other night"

My grateful little man, Alexander 5, showing his appreciation for me lying with him until he slept. He was feeling a little upset. Ah the joys of being a Mum to some little human beings that we made :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

"want lollies!"

2 year old Andres' favourite words spoken like a mantra to the Gods over and over and over and......

Friday, May 7, 2010

"Mummy are you looking for a parcark"

Miss Jana, 4 exclaimed while driving around and around a shopping centre. Cant quite get the carpark right, despite constant correcting.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

"Daddy I have lots of money in my money box in my room, you can have all of it".

My sweet thoughtful little boy after Daddy's wallet had been stolen (well the contents of it anyway) when he left it on top of the car. A very common occurrency by parents when putting children in their car seats. Wallets or mobile phones anyway. I once found my mobile phone meters from a corner where we had parked.

"Mummy can we keep him, we're not going to take him back now are we?!"

Alexander, 5 talking about his little brother shortly after Andres was born. Once the screaming had settled down, after 6 weeks or so, Alexander felt he could live with his little brother now.

"Mummy I'll go to Greek School, but I wont speak Greek"

Spoken by a defiant, 4 year old Jana. One day she'll find her Greek voice!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"I dont want to leave the house Mummy, I might die"

Jana, 4 going on 14....I dont know why my children have been obsessed with death - very dark comments. Must talk more about fairies and flowers with them :(

"Muuum, look butterfly broken!!!"

Said by Andres, 2 when handing me a dead fly without any wings! Not sure if he was responsible for the winglessness. A quick lesson in the finality of death.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Mummy I wont talk if I have nothing to say"

Jana says to me when the kinder teacher asks why Jana doesnt talk! Of course, a girl of few but meaningful words only when necessary. Dont mince words with Jana, just get to the point, alright!

"Mummy, if you die will Heaven and Heidi look after me?"

Quote by Alexander, 5 when I was going in to hospital. Heidi is a family friend, little does she know she will inherit my kids by their choice.

Pressing my chest, "Mummy you dont need these anymore, we've got no more babies to feed milk"

Quote from Alexander, 5. I wonder what he suggests I do with them now that I dont need them anymore.....cut them off, throw them away????

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mummy now that its your Birthday, and your old, does that mean you're going to die?

Spoken by Jana Rose on the morning of my birthday. I feel so ooollllldddd!!!!